Τετάρτη 16 Ιουνίου 2010

Help our Earth's welfare

Ways to help our Earth's welfare
We all have to wonder what we do everyday for the environment and the welfare of animals..
Let's start from the simpliest things..
Do i use products that are against animal testing?
If you aren't sure or you've never asked this question to yourself before make a list of the products you buy..the products that aren't tested on animals.. In case you find a product that isn't free of this don't hesitate to throw it away and buy another one, better and the most importnat..cruelty-free!

How much water do i use every day?
Another thing you can do is to decrease the amount of water you use daily..As you all know, water is valuable and very important not only to humans but to every being and also to the plants.. If you take a look around you, you will realise that nothing could exist if there was no water.
So try not το make excessive use of water, especially when you waste it in a useless way.

What about recycling?
Recycling is one of the best measures of saving the environment. Try to use renewable sources of energy or even better resort to the use of renewable natural resources! A simple way to do this is to lessen the use of rubber and plastic. These materials are very disastrous. Did you know that plastic can never dissolved? So prefer using paper bags and cardboard containers. Even a simple habit of buying in bulk can save a lot of packaging material, thus contributing to saving the environment. The most importnat is to buy the products that you can reuse.

Walking/bicycling or using vehicles?
This can't be a great dilemma! You can increase the use of bicycles or make a habit to walk down short distances can contribute to reduction in air pollution. Walking is very healthy and good for your heart, too..! Try to minimize the use of vehicles. Use CFC-free products. For some destinations, the use of vehicles has no better options and it can be ιnevitable. But at least maintain your vehicles; clean their exhaust pipes, keep the pollution they cause under strict control. Sometimes I hear that some families have more than one car in their domination! Cmon, that is exaggeration!

No green around?
Environment is polluted, there aren't a lot of trees and we cut them for dozen papers. Do we really need those papers? In our daily life, when in office or home print only when it is absolutely necessary. Printing every soft copy leads to a heavy wastage of paper. Furthermore, stop the bad habit of leaving your computer switched on when you actually don't need it. Do not use disposable cups when you have an option of using the ceramic ones. Use emails instead of paper correspondence. Fortunately, technology is doing great steps and progress, plus emails are faster!

Summer and warm; Two meaning that go together! And warm is something that most people dislike-including me. Try to drink more water but reduce the usage of air condition, which is also unhealthy.

..endangered species, why?
Minimize the use of animal products, which involve their killing. Animal fur and ivory are some of the excessively used products that are gradually leading to the extinction of the animals that provide them. Also stop the bad habit of hunting.. This can't be called a hobby..Resolve not to hunt them and try to find another hobby. Just check out to be constructive!

There i quoted some simple ways to help the environment. We can contribute towards saving nature. More hands are better than fewer. Keep in your mind to make everything in moderation.
